Waterfall Drinking Game

  1. Card Game Waterfall
  2. Waterfall Drinking Game Cards

Waterfall Drinking Games Home Drinking Games- Waterfall - This game needs a group of people, deck of cards, paper, pen, drinks for each person, extra glass and some sort of hat. (Be creative and perhaps use an empty beer case). Before the game starts, someone writes down the cards and gives each card a meaning. Waterfall is a card game enjoyed by many and is often played as a drinking game at parties. Like most drinking games, the more the merrier, and all you need to play is a deck of cards, some mates and a lot of booze.

Multiple card drinking games exist that use the term “Waterfall” for a particular way to drink drinks. Such as Circle of Death or Kings Cup. If you wanted to know how exactly to do this we created a short guide on how to waterfall drink.

Other classic drinking games to learn: Presidents; Ride the Bus; Quarters; Essential King’s Cup Rules. The basic rules for any game of King’s Cup, whether it’s known as Ring of Fire, Circle of Death, Waterfall or just “Kings”, are essentially the same. To play king’s cup, players must take turns picking cards, going around the. Waterfall (drinking game) Rather than being a full drinking game, 'Waterfall' is usually a game played within other games such as Kings or Bergen's Baseball. The game is set up so that all players are arranged in a circle and begin to drink beer at the same time. Click to see full answer.

What You’ll Need

For this game everyone doing the Waterfall needs to have a drink ready. It works best with full drinks but it’s fine if players want to just drink what they have in front of them. It’s best if players are in a circle for this game.

How to Waterfall Drink

The idea of this game is that you cannot stop drinking until the player before you stops. Meaning they can make you drink as long as they keep drinking. Generally whoever drew the card that activates this game starts the waterfall and then it goes clockwise.

Once it starts the first player starts chugging their drink, then the second player, then the third player, and so on. Everyone stands around chugging until the player before them stops. You cannot stop until the player before you stops.

Card Game Waterfall

What this means is basically the first player controls how long everyone is chugging and can stop whenever they want. The second player has to wait for the first to stop, the third has to wait for the second, and so on.

DrinkingWaterfall Drinking Game

If anyone finishes their drink during this they put it down and now the player after them is allowed to stop even though other players haven’t finished. This is why this game is best played with full drinks so nobody only drinks the last sip of their drink and throws a stick in the spokes.

We hope this short guide on how to waterfall drink has been helpful. Please make sure to drink responsibly as chugging beers can often lead to over consumption of alcohol.

Multiple card drinking games exist that use the term “Waterfall” for a particular way to drink drinks. Such as Circle of Death or Kings Cup. If you wanted to know how exactly to do this we created a short guide on how to waterfall drink.

What You’ll Need

For this game everyone doing the Waterfall needs to have a drink ready. It works best with full drinks but it’s fine if players want to just drink what they have in front of them. It’s best if players are in a circle for this game.

How to Waterfall Drink

The idea of this game is that you cannot stop drinking until the player before you stops. Meaning they can make you drink as long as they keep drinking. Generally whoever drew the card that activates this game starts the waterfall and then it goes clockwise.

Once it starts the first player starts chugging their drink, then the second player, then the third player, and so on. Everyone stands around chugging until the player before them stops. You cannot stop until the player before you stops.

What this means is basically the first player controls how long everyone is chugging and can stop whenever they want. The second player has to wait for the first to stop, the third has to wait for the second, and so on.

If anyone finishes their drink during this they put it down and now the player after them is allowed to stop even though other players haven’t finished. This is why this game is best played with full drinks so nobody only drinks the last sip of their drink and throws a stick in the spokes.

Waterfall Drinking Game Cards

We hope this short guide on how to waterfall drink has been helpful. Please make sure to drink responsibly as chugging beers can often lead to over consumption of alcohol.